Working Parents: Unlocking Resilience and Adaptability in Your Team

In the relentless race for innovation and success, the unsung heroes often are right under a company’s nose—working parents, a demographic brimming with untapped potential, and an arsenal of skills honed in the crucible of multitasking, adaptability, and leadership. From a refined sense of time management to unparalleled problem-solving abilities, working parents are a force to be reckoned with, capable of elevating a company’s culture, creativity, and bottom line.

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What the ‘Belonging’ in DEI&B Means for Your Company

The rise of DE&I practices over the last half-decade have been pronounced and given way to positive, significant workplace and operational changes in the world of work. With companies continuing to expand and innovate their DE&I strategies, many have begun to expand their efforts from DE&I to DEI&B – with the B standing for “belonging.” Currently, many organizations see positive results from the implementation of DEI&B practices but continue to experience issues with employee retention and attraction – largely due to the lack of focus on equity, inclusion, and – now equally importantly – belonging. The results for businesses that have focused on the “belonging,” however, have fared much better; according to a recent Gallup survey, organizations that provide a sense of belonging to their workforce see a decrease in turnover by 27 percent and an increase in productivity by 12 percent.[1]

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Tips to Retain Quality Talent with a Structured Mentoring Program

Employers have consistently innovated with their retainment strategies over the past half-decade, incorporating methods ranging from wellness programs and DE&I initiatives to inclusive company culture and more frequent one-on-ones. While all these methods are effective, a structured mentorship program can serve as a crucial foundation that will allow these methods to yield truly effective results.

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Want Your Inclusion Efforts to Succeed? Join Forces With the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Want Your Inclusion Efforts to Succeed? Join Forces With the LGBTQIA+ Community.

One in Fourteen

Millennials and Gen Z, the best-educated generations to date and the first true digital natives,[1] are the largest workforce segment. A 2021 Gallup poll found that the post-1980s cohorts combined comprise 46 percent of the full-time US workforce.[2] The number is expected to keep growing over the years, as the pandemic is pushing thousands of Baby Boomers into early retirement,[3] and all of them will have reached the legal retirement age by the end of this decade.[4] Consequently, emerging professionals will continue to transform the world of work.

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