Top 8 Tips to Master LinkedIn’s new profile enhancement feature called Cover Story

LinkedIn is pioneering the era of sharing our story with our professional ecosystems by releasing a set of cutting-edge new profile features. One of the standout features is called “Cover Story,” where you can record a “hello” video as part of your profile photo frame. According to LinkedIn’s Tomer Cohen “The most interesting part of every professional journey is the story behind it. No two professionals are the same: your career paths, skills, dreams, and aspirations are unique. Sharing your professional journey in an authentic and engaging way is the starting point for connecting with the communities that matter most to you.” 

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Going Virtual: Job-Seeking in a Socially-Distanced World

As effects of the COVID-19 pandemic ripple through the economy, both recent graduates and seasoned professionals are searching for opportunities to advance their careers. Current social distancing measures are limiting face-to-face contact, but how will going virtual change employment prospects both during and after the pandemic? Will business continue to utilize virtual recruiting methods to reach more candidates and cut costs? Most importantly, what does the online recruitment revolution mean for you? Despite the uncertainty, there’s good news for candidates and companies alike. In the future, virtual platforms and progress in AI will help connect savvy candidates to recruiters—regardless of how physically distant they may be.

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Expert Tips for Networking Online

Networking has always been a vital aspect of your job search, and recent events have made it even more important. Studies have shown that up to 85% of all jobs are found by networking. With companies needing to fill a variety of open positions in the near future, it’s more important than ever to reach out to those around you to get a jump on these opportunities. Here are four tips for using online networking to find your next job:

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Networking Tips for Introverts

Does the idea of cold-calling make you break out in a cold sweat? Does the hum of a dentist’s drill seem more appealing than the sea of noise at a networking event? If you are part of the 40% of our population who consider themselves an introvert, you may not be comfortable putting yourself out there during your job search. Luckily, networking is not just for the extrovert. Here are three tips that will help introverts find their next job:

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How to Succeed in Your New Year’s Job Search (and at the Gym!)

Cheerful man having a fun at party

The new year is full of resolutions, and two of the more popular ones you’ll see that are at the top of people’s lists involve getting in better shape, and finding a new job. While toning your glutes and looking for a new employer may not really seem to overlap, the strategies you use to succeed in both endeavors are surprisingly similar. Whether you want to keep up going to the gym, or take the next step on your career path, here are four things you need to do:

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Proceed With Caution: Three Mistakes Professionals Can Make During the Holidays


The holidays are a time for fun and good cheer, and while there is plenty of it to go around, as a professional it’s important that you don’t do anything that can put you on the naughty list with management. So as you prepare to deck the halls, here are three things to watch out for that could come back to haunt you like you were Ebenezer Scrooge:

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The Most Productive Month: Four Hacks For Getting Things Done This October


Did you know that studies have shown that October as the most productive month of the year? In fact, the study has pinpointed 11am on a Monday in October as the most productive time of the year, which makes sense, considering that you are rested, full of Pumpkin Spice coffee, and ready to take on the work week. Of course, productivity slowly drops throughout the week, so the question becomes, how do you keep that 11am Monday morning productivity going until Friday at 5pm? Here are four hacks that will help you stay productive:

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